Mbak Niken lagi bantuin Ahlul pake baju adat Makassar pada acara Southeast Asian Night di OU
Ujian Akhir Nasional 2009 akhirnya usai juga.
Lancar sih, kecuali untuk mata pelajaran geografi. Soalnya susah!!! Selama beberapa hari setelah lewat hari ujian saya masih dilanda kegelisahan; aduh... lulus tidak ya? Tapi, Insya Allah, dengan kekuatan doa segalanya mungkin. Setidaknya kami semua yang menempuh ujian ini telah berusaha semaksimal mungkin.
Saya diterima di fak. Hukum UGM.
Setelah melalui diskusi dengan orang tua, akhirnya disepakatilah untuk mengambil kesempatan ini. Saya merelakan bangku saya di UI demi sesuatu yang diharapkan orang tua dapat memberikan masa depan yang lebih baik.
Tepat sehari setelah UAN, saya bersama beberapa kawan pergi karaoke di Orange. Malam yang lumayan gila! Semuanya pada teriak-teriak melepas stress setelah berbulan-bulan lamanya dirundung kegelisahan jelang UAN.
Kini semuanya lepas!!! udara kebebasan tercium...
Namun, doa jangan berhenti. Tidak boleh berhenti tepatnya.
Karena hidup manusia ini telah ditentukan oleh Sang Maha Kuasa.
jangan sampai kenikmatan yang secuil membuat kita lupa diri.
Marilah kita selalu waspada dan ingat kepada Sang Empunya Alam Semesta.
Berikut sepenggal 'inspiring short discussion' dengan Mbak Niken, salah seorang mahasiswi Indonesia yang berkesempatan untuk mendapatkan pendidikan di Ohio University. Mbak Niken orangnya baik banget sama Ahlul...
jadinya mau masuk kemana?
ke UGM mbak... ngambil hukum
selamat ya...hehehe..
hehehe makasiiih
ntar kalo aku ke jogja kita reunian ya hehe
beres!!! hehehe
gak milih UI?
pinginx sih UI... cuman katax mama ndak usah di jkt. besar, crowded dan mahal!
jurusan apa di UI?
aq sih lebih tertarik itu drpd hukum, tp ortu milihx hukum aja
tp udh diomongin ke ortu kan?
eh, mbak klo hukum itu gampang gak dpt beasiswa ke LN lagi?
gampang dong
bs jd diplomat lg hihihi...
ooh, gitu y mbak? kirain anak HI doank yg bisa
kita malah kekurangan orang hukum
waah... gitu tho... teman2q pd bilang gini; "idih.. lul ngapain hukum? kamu kan dari luar negri, knp gak masuk HI aja skalian?"
jadi aq mikirs klo hukum paling jd pengacara atw hakim
ooo nggak dong
orang hukum diperlukan dimana2
field-nya hukum emang apa aja mbak? mbak niken majorx apa?
aku kan sastra inggris dulu
keren... kakakku juga sastra inggris
apapun jurusannya yg penting ditekuni aja
dan diseriusin
iya sih, tp tuntutanx ortu jama skr y jurusan yg gampang hasilin duit
hufffh... aq sedih bgt udah dterima antropologi UI tp ortu kurang setuju
sabar aja lul
coba omongin lg aja
aq udah berusaha ngomong mbak... cuman karena ada perasaan 'takut duhaka' jd hati ini nggak enak bgt
tp ya sudahlah, aq juga udah ikhlas kok di hukumx UGM
ooo kalo gitu ya gpp
mohon doax y.. kakak2 semua...
iya, didoain kok
aku plg taun ini lul
balik kemana mbak? jkt?
mbak niken fullbright atau progx k' arin?
aku apply sendiri lul
beasiswax OU?
kereeen... pingin ngikutin jejakx mbak niken nih
alul aku beljar dulu ya
mo logout nie
Monday, April 27, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
What a wonderful refreshment moment before Final Exams Week start!!!
I've got a very marvelous birthday party yesterday.
My 19th birthday!!! Gosh, I'm getting old too fast...
Last year I also got a birthday blast in USA with my fellows American friends.
This year I celebrate it with my family and my beloved Indonesian peeps.
We were dancing, eating, laughing, and screaming.
Hahaha, I hope my neighbors didn't feel disturbed by us.
Cos we're too loud!!!
I thank all of my friends. They are my favorite, they are my besties.
On this birthday, I wish I could be someone better. I wish I could make my parents proud of me. And the most important is to graduate from high school and go to my favorite college!!! AMIN...
I've got a very marvelous birthday party yesterday.
My 19th birthday!!! Gosh, I'm getting old too fast...
Last year I also got a birthday blast in USA with my fellows American friends.
This year I celebrate it with my family and my beloved Indonesian peeps.
We were dancing, eating, laughing, and screaming.
Hahaha, I hope my neighbors didn't feel disturbed by us.
Cos we're too loud!!!
I thank all of my friends. They are my favorite, they are my besties.
On this birthday, I wish I could be someone better. I wish I could make my parents proud of me. And the most important is to graduate from high school and go to my favorite college!!! AMIN...
Monday, April 13, 2009
Good Suggestion about Me Following My Heart by Mr. Koh!
(Keng We, kelihatan sedang bersandar di dinding bersama kak Mila Mahmud)
Sebenarnya Keng We sudah layak untuk menyandang gelar professor di bidang antropologi budaya, akan tetapi karena kesederhanaannya Ia sering menolak dipanggil begitu oleh orang-orang. Dulu dia pernah kuliah di Belanda, dan terakhir saya ketemu dia di South East Asian Studies di Ohio University.
Nah, hari ini kebetulan saya sedang BT dan depresi. UAN tinggal seminggu. Desakan dari sekitar juga semakin terasa. Namun yang paling memberatkan saya adalah penolakan kedua orang tua saya terhadap jurusan antropologi yang telah berhasil saya raih. Hiks... Katanya saya tidak bakal mendapatkan pekerjaan maupun penghasilan yang layak dari bidang tersebut. Padahal saya merasakan bahwa niat dan bakat saya ada di bidang tersebut. Amat disayangkan kedua orang tua saya tidak dapat mengerti.
Di tengah prahara batin itulah sekali lagi saya mendapatkan pencerahan sekali lagi. Pertolongan Allah memang selalu datang dari arah yang tidak diduga-duga. Sewaktu sedang online di Facebook mendadak Keng We mengajak saya untuk chatting. Ia pun memberikan saya dukungan agar terus mengikuti 'kata hati', menjadi diri sendiri. Berikut adalah hasil percakapan kami, April 13, 2009.
si ahrul! apa kabar?
halo Mr. Koh! saya baik-baik
apa kabar?
halo Mr. Koh! saya baik-baik
apa kabar?
sibuk sibuk seperti octopus
sibuk sibuk seperti octopus
hahahaha, masih di Athens?
hahahaha, masih di Athens?
masih di Athens, insyallah bulan juli ke belanda
masih di Athens, insyallah bulan juli ke belanda
wah, buat kuliah atau kerja?
wah, buat kuliah atau kerja?
nulis buku
nulis buku
Keng We keren! nanti saya susul ke Belanda ya... saya diterima di antropologi UI
bagus lah!
antropologi UI! ahrul keren sekali!
bagus lah!
antropologi UI! ahrul keren sekali!
terima kasih :) tapi orang tua saya tidak setuju. mereka bilang lebih bagus di ekonomi saja
terima kasih :) tapi orang tua saya tidak setuju. mereka bilang lebih bagus di ekonomi saja
tapi aku setuju dgn ahrul
ikut hatimu
tapi aku setuju dgn ahrul
ikut hatimu
ahrul bisa bilang mau ke economic anthropologi
ahrul bisa bilang mau ke economic anthropologi
tapi I more interest on antropologi budaya
tapi I more interest on antropologi budaya
i know...i was joking
i know...i was joking
i took anthropology because of cultural anthropology
cultural antropologi lebih menarik
welcome to the club
i took anthropology because of cultural anthropology
cultural antropologi lebih menarik
welcome to the club
yes, i think so. but my mom said it won't make money
yes, i think so. but my mom said it won't make money
u will make a lot as professor in US or Singapore
u will make a lot as professor in US or Singapore
menjadi orang kaya dan terkenal
menjadi orang kaya dan terkenal
hahahaha, dan menulis buku
hahahaha, dan menulis buku
ya ya
knowledge is power!
ya ya
knowledge is power!
totally right! i've planned to find scholarship after graduate from UI, on the next 4 years so then i can make my parents proud
totally right! i've planned to find scholarship after graduate from UI, on the next 4 years so then i can make my parents proud
yes yes
that is good plan
good luck ahrul dgn kuliah di UI antropologi
kalau ada pertanyaan
nulis sahja lah
harus mandi dan ga slapen
mungkin ketemu di Belanda
kalau ada pertanyaan
nulis sahja lah
harus mandi dan ga slapen
mungkin ketemu di Belanda
hahaha, amin!!! mohon bantuannya nanti, ya pak prof :)
hahaha, amin!!! mohon bantuannya nanti, ya pak prof :)
eh eh saya bukan pak prof
datuk sahja
datuk sahja
sudah PHD (Permanent Head Damage)
eh eh saya bukan pak prof
datuk sahja
datuk sahja
sudah PHD (Permanent Head Damage)
hahahaha... nanti ketemu sama Keng We saya panggil Opu Datuk Tuanku Prof Koh!
hahahaha... nanti ketemu sama Keng We saya panggil Opu Datuk Tuanku Prof Koh!
Ayuh terlalu panjang lah..
Opu sounds good enough...
Ayuh terlalu panjang lah..
Opu sounds good enough...
good luck and good bye!
good luck and good bye!
Opu is a buginese term for rich people hahaha
ok good bye
Opu is a buginese term for rich people hahaha
ok good bye
i thought it was noble title...
I should trust the expert!
i thought it was noble title...
I should trust the expert!
yes, in Makassar usually we call rich buginese and somebody from the noble family as 'opu' and 'puang'
yes, in Makassar usually we call rich buginese and somebody from the noble family as 'opu' and 'puang'
ok say hallo to the people we know if you see them
ok say hallo to the people we know if you see them
i hope i become as rich as opu
i need the money now
good bye
i hope i become as rich as opu
i need the money now
good bye
hahaha, ttly bye!!
hahaha, ttly bye!!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Lagi Mumet tapi Hepi
Alhamdulillah aku keterima di Antropologinya Universitas Indonesia.
Nggak disangka-sangka!!!
Kabar gembira itu disampaikan oleh salah seorang sahabat saya yang bernama Randy via telepon di pagi hari ketika saya baru saja mendarat di Jogja untuk mengikuti tes UM UGM.
se-Makassar, kira-kira hanya 5 orang yang lulus seleksi UI!!!
Tapi, sudah sejak dulu hati ini kecantol dan ingin sekali kuliah di UGM. Kita hanya bisa berdoa semoga diberi yang terbaik oleh Allah SWT...
nah, sepulang dari Jogja kembali ke Makassar saya harus menghadapi UAS (Ujian AKhir Sekolah). karena waktunya yang bertepatan, saya pun terpaksa nyusul ujian hari pertama (KN dan Agama) di hari ketiga.
Waduh... badan masih capek, lemes. Sekarang hadapi ujian lagi. 2 minggu lagi UAN (Ujian Akhir Nasional). Huaaaah... Kepala mumet banget!!! Pagi tadi kayaknya ujian sejarahku keteteran deh, padahal guru sejarahku seneng banget pas dengar aku keterima di UI. kira-kira gimana reaksinya kalau lihat nilaiku tadi ya?
Ya Allah... I beg you... With all of Your Merci... Give me strength and Your Kindness Help...
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
My Favorite Quote
Terlampir di bawah ini adalah sebahagian dari favorite-favorite quote saya selama berada di negri Paman Sam. Pesan moralnya lebih dikondisikan dengan keadaan saat saya masih berada di sana. Tujuan saya share hal ini sebenarnya hanya untuk refreshing dikit, minggu-minggu penuh ujian dan tes masuk perguruan tinggi harapan. Wish me luck! Semoga ada beberapa quote yang kecantol di hati :)
History is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon.
( Napoleon Bonaparte )
I never think of the future - it comes soon enough.
( Albert Einstein )
My father taught me to work; he did not teach me to love it.
( Abe Lincoln )
Obladi, Oblada life goes on... BRA!!!
( The Beatles )
( Spongebob Squarepant)
Ushi Van Dijk : What is your favorite position in the bed?
Ronn Moss : Doggy-style
Ushi Van Dijk : I mean, your sleeping position
Ronn Moss : Oh... Uh, hmmm... lying down on the bed...
[awkward pause]
Ushi Van Dijk : Sex?
Ronn Moss : We already cover that.
My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch.
( Jack Nicholson )
Japans Grapje!
( Ushi Van Dijk )
Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery.
( Malcolm X )
Experience is a dear teacher, and only fools will learn from no other.
( Ben Franklin )
I don't have time for hating people. I must pay my bill, clean up my house, my car is broken, etc. I don't have a time for hating people...
( Ms. Santoni )
Nothing in this world happened by random... everything is fated...
( Yuuko-xxxHolic )
I cannot rest from travel: I will drink
Life to the lees: all times I have enjoyed
Greatly, have suffered greatly, both with those
That loved me, and alone
( Ulysses-Lord Tennyson )
Louie! Don't be like American!
( Mariya Kukhtina )
Who is stopping you?!
( Sherika Adams )
To work hard, to live hard, to die hard, and then go to hell after all would be too damn hard.
( Carl Sandburg )
""I miss the Shire. I spent all my childhood pretending I was off somewhere else. Off with you, on one of your adventures. But my own adventure turned out to be quite different."
( Frodo Baggins )
"My name is Bunifa-Hanifa-Latifa-Sharifa Jackson... You hafta respect our sister name! Hey, Sonya!"
( Bunifa-MadTV )
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe says;
“If a good person does you wrong, act as though you had not noticed it. They will make note of this and not remain in your debt long.”
"Ehyeh asher ehyeh"
( Shemot 3:14 )
"You're an Asian, Louie??? I thought you are Guatemalan!"
( Mrs. Zimmerman )
"You're come back to Indonesia? I thought you are from Middle East!"
( Mrs. Heinke )
"I Like your hair!"
( Ani B. )
Kelsie S. : "I love Louie's lips! It's look so juicy!"
Me : "Hmmm... Is that a compliment?"
Ozzy : "Yeah!"
Me : "Oh, well... Thank you then..."
"I vote for Louie's hysterical earthworm!!!"
( Mike Lopez )
"I Loves you than I loves my mom, Louie!!!"
( Maddie )
"Louie loves Shark and watch Disney Channel!"
( Ozzy )
( Tyler, Eddie, Ms. Z, Ms. Kem, and anybody else who always singing that song when they saw me )
"You have a beautiful complexion and quiet hair too..."
( A Senegalese Gypsy Woman At ComFest )
History is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon.
( Napoleon Bonaparte )
I never think of the future - it comes soon enough.
( Albert Einstein )
My father taught me to work; he did not teach me to love it.
( Abe Lincoln )
Obladi, Oblada life goes on... BRA!!!
( The Beatles )
( Spongebob Squarepant)
Ushi Van Dijk : What is your favorite position in the bed?
Ronn Moss : Doggy-style
Ushi Van Dijk : I mean, your sleeping position
Ronn Moss : Oh... Uh, hmmm... lying down on the bed...
[awkward pause]
Ushi Van Dijk : Sex?
Ronn Moss : We already cover that.
My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch.
( Jack Nicholson )
Japans Grapje!
( Ushi Van Dijk )
Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery.
( Malcolm X )
Experience is a dear teacher, and only fools will learn from no other.
( Ben Franklin )
I don't have time for hating people. I must pay my bill, clean up my house, my car is broken, etc. I don't have a time for hating people...
( Ms. Santoni )
Nothing in this world happened by random... everything is fated...
( Yuuko-xxxHolic )
I cannot rest from travel: I will drink
Life to the lees: all times I have enjoyed
Greatly, have suffered greatly, both with those
That loved me, and alone
( Ulysses-Lord Tennyson )
Louie! Don't be like American!
( Mariya Kukhtina )
Who is stopping you?!
( Sherika Adams )
To work hard, to live hard, to die hard, and then go to hell after all would be too damn hard.
( Carl Sandburg )
""I miss the Shire. I spent all my childhood pretending I was off somewhere else. Off with you, on one of your adventures. But my own adventure turned out to be quite different."
( Frodo Baggins )
"My name is Bunifa-Hanifa-Latifa-Sharifa Jackson... You hafta respect our sister name! Hey, Sonya!"
( Bunifa-MadTV )
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe says;
“If a good person does you wrong, act as though you had not noticed it. They will make note of this and not remain in your debt long.”
"Ehyeh asher ehyeh"
( Shemot 3:14 )
"You're an Asian, Louie??? I thought you are Guatemalan!"
( Mrs. Zimmerman )
"You're come back to Indonesia? I thought you are from Middle East!"
( Mrs. Heinke )
"I Like your hair!"
( Ani B. )
Kelsie S. : "I love Louie's lips! It's look so juicy!"
Me : "Hmmm... Is that a compliment?"
Ozzy : "Yeah!"
Me : "Oh, well... Thank you then..."
"I vote for Louie's hysterical earthworm!!!"
( Mike Lopez )
"I Loves you than I loves my mom, Louie!!!"
( Maddie )
"Louie loves Shark and watch Disney Channel!"
( Ozzy )
( Tyler, Eddie, Ms. Z, Ms. Kem, and anybody else who always singing that song when they saw me )
"You have a beautiful complexion and quiet hair too..."
( A Senegalese Gypsy Woman At ComFest )
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