Sunday, March 28, 2010

you have no idea how the magic could happens

Hey young intellectuals!
SO sorry, I won’t take this opportunity to give you some short review regarding my experience in HK (on final hours) or about the competition.

I was so exhausted, came back to my humid and dry country, attacked by dramatic situation from surrounding condition, and end up with the routine college’s life again. You know, NO REST. Gotta work hard, I feel left out of materials from each classes (in which i was absent) plus I got this pressure from my LSO to join an internal mcc of FH UGM. Well, I’m not trying to say that they were pushed me to do so, but in fact it was because of me who already felt guilty and burdened by the LSO since I never joined their event (due to Willem C. Vis East’s practices back to the old days). I just want to show them my good intention as a member. And here is the consequency, doubled by duty from AFS’ selection this year (Ch. Jogja chosed me as the Coordinator of 1st selection) and also my ambition to enroll on AIESEC program.

Not just those stuff, as a bonus, i have to finish Hukum Tata Negara midterm's project. I have no idea what should I do other than face all of it as fast as I can and perform the best of me. I must pull my string once more, no days with regrets and despairs. Therefore, move forward and race with the time to see who is the Boss!

At least Victoria (my new itouch) could calm me down on any stressing moment :)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Hari kelima

Selamat malam semuanya. Sekarang waktu menunjukkan pukul 10 malam kurang 10 menit. Saya masih berada di atas kasur yang sama, di ruangan yang sama, di gedung yang sama, dan di negara (kota) yang sama. Cuaca di Hong Kong sedikit mendingin selama dua hari belakangan, berbeda dari cuaca di hari pertama dan hari kedua yang terasa lebih hangat dan nyaman. Hari ini adalah gilirannya Kak Dhila dan Nabriz untuk perform oral pleadings. Kak Dhila kelihatan stress banget. Tapi siangnya setelah selesai oral pleadings melawan Rajiv Gandhi University (India), ia bisa kembali cengengesan.

Pagi ini saya mengenakan kemeja batik dan jaket putih Kakashi yang saya beli pada hari pertama kedatangan di Ladies Market, Mong Kok. Hari ini sepertinya berjalan begitu cepat. Setelah kembali dari City University, saya, Dahye dan Diva makan siang (belinya di restoran Sedap Gurih di wilayah Sugar Street) kami segera melanjutkan petualangan ke Central Library di depan Victoria Park.

Sekarang saya sedang mendengarkan SAY dari John Mayer. Perut sedikit terasa bergejolak, mungkin karena masuk angin atau karena makan yang tidak teratur. Rasa gugup semakin menjadi-jadi, hari jumat tinggal sehari lagi. Tapi saya punya prinsip yang kuat dan tidak mau capek karena stress, jadi ya dinikmati saja waktu yang tersisa. Hari selasa kami akan kembali ke Indonesia. Semuanya akan kembali normal, kecuali khusus untuk hal mengejar materi-materi kuliah yang ketinggalan.

Note ringkas ini saya tutup dengan lagu ‘Follow Me’ dari The Rocket Boys.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Day 4th in HK

Selamat pagi semuanya.
Sekarang waktu telah menunjukkan pukul 12 lewat 21 menit tengah malam waktu Hong Kong. Saya berada di atas tempat tidur berukuran kecil yang mesti di share dengan bapak dosen di dalam sebuah kamar di lantai 5 Indonesian Building Konsulat Jenderal Republik Indonesia.

Lagu ‘Bukannya aku takut’ dari Mulan jameela mengalun sendu dari headset pink milik Dahye yang saya pinjam. Para wanita kelihatannya sudah tertidur, kecuali Maral yang sedang menemani Nabriz di ruang tamu. Tidak disangka sekarang kami telah memasuki hari yang keempat. Hong Kong, sebuah daerah yang istimewa, yang sebelumnya saya tidak pernah sangka akan semenakjubkan ini. Tempat yang entah mengapa membuat saya begitu nyaman dan tentram. Tempat yang membuat saya sekali lagi dapat menjadi open-minded dan berpikiran luas. Di sela-sela menuliskan kata-kata ini, dalam lubuk hati saya yang terdalam bergejolak rasa was-was dan kegelisahan. Pasalnya, hari jumat ini akan menjadi hari oral pleadings bagi saya.

Hari yang ditunggu-tunggu selama 6 bulan terakhir. Hari yang akan menjadi puncak dari seluruh pengorbanan kami selama ini. Sekarang lagunya berganti menjadi ‘lagu Sedih’, masih oleh artis yang sama; Mulan Jameela. Lawan yang akan saya hadapi adalah sekolah yahudi Amerika bernama Benjamin Cardozo yang notabene masuk peringkat top ten school of law di USA (info ini saya dapatkan dari wikipedia).

Padahal tadi ketika menyaksikan penampilan perdana dari Dahye dan Diva, keyakinan dan semangat sempat terpupuk di benak saya, mengingat suasananya yang rileks dan arbitratornya tidak terlalu banyak bertanya. Pun penampilan lawan yang berasal dari Copenhagen menurut saya pribadi tidak terlalu ‘wah’ atau terlalu menakutkan. Tanpa bermaksud untuk sombong, tapi kami masih dapat menampilkan yang lebih baik ketimbang mereka kok.

Hari yang meletihkan. Saatnya semua untuk tidur. Oh iya, ingatkan PR saya untuk menulis mengenai pengalaman berkeliling di Hong Kong Island, perspektif baru mengenai TKW, dan cultural heritage yang hidup di tengah peradaban barat. So far, I love Hong Kong very much.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Were you there 160 million of years ago?

Today at 10:03am

My master has a book of secret. A book that could reveal the truth about doubts, questions, and disputes among human kind. The book that could also excavate the mystery of Past and unwrap the curiousity of Future. My master keeps the book of secret on his left armpit and won't allow anyone to touch it. He created seven spirits from fires and lights to guard the presence of the book.

On the day of Frabjous Day (when a little girl named Alice came to Wonderland and slew a monstrous yet so ugly thing called Jabberwocky), my master hid out in the Cave of Void to meditate for 40 days. I couldn't hold out my desire to open the book. Just like Mother Eve, when the Forbidden Fruit lured her to grope and fed through it into her throat.

I cast spell on those seven archangels, to shut their emission of ray for a moment. Then I made a 'mandala', the burning circle around my body to protect me from unexpected situation of my master's hexes.

I opened the book, search the answer of what I've been looking for this whole centuries.
Were you there 160 million years ago, my dear?

I was born multipliedly, again and again to find you, my enlightenment light. I was born as a royal, as a sonnenblume, as a river, as a star, as an eagle, as a dying infant, as a witch, and as a dust on someone’s desk. I’ve been looking for you this far, searching the one that I could lean my body on.
I got a vision from the book of secret. I saw those terrible, powerful, and wondrous kind of lizards. They all crawled on the face of the earth. They were the most ancient creatures that God ever created in this world. From the Triassic to the Late Cretaceous, when no man stood on The New World, they were the kings of their own kind. Arisen from ground, structurized by water, flamed by fire inside their instinct, and breathed by the rough gust of wind. No one ever witnessed the greatest of those gigantic creatures.

Were you already exist with them, oh my sweetheart? Where were you on the moment of inanition?
Those creatures were doing wrong deeds, attacking each other and eating their own family. They were uncivilized, slop over by shed blood on the face of the earth. God didn’t like what they do, so He ordered an enormous yet so majestic angel to stoned them with a big chunk of asteroid.

“When He decreeth a matter, He saith to it: "Be," and it is.”

The toss made a great devastation. The echoes of destruction were spread out throughout the land. Dusts lifted up on the air, covered up the atmosphere and sights. Sea leves were going higher, the planet’s temperature was stiffingly hotter than usual. Here, came the extinction. I couldn’t find you my dear, between the clouds of wrath. I closed this page, and willing to continue the journey to seek you another time.

Now, before my master shall come back, I'm summoning your name inside my heart.

the picture is taken from

Sunday, March 7, 2010

a small talk about THE MIGHTY GOD

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Everything depends on the way how you look upon it

We all know who's God. Despite what those religions teach us regarding what was He (or could even She), the reasons why He created us, and what does He want from humankind (the whole universe, actually), each person already developing their own image or perception about God. Is it a good or bad image, depends on that people's mind, as the reflection of their thought and life experience to determine the act of God.

As I quoted from; "There are over six billion people in this world and each person has his or her own thoughts about God", showing how the image of God itself is actually blurry and unrealistic. People will believe what they want to believe, therefore they convinve themselves that the image of God which they have was the rightest one.

Since the dawn of civilization, human already created those images of Gods. Yes, a God with 's', Gods. We weren't sure this very day, whether the concept of monotheism come first, or polytheism come earlier. What do we scientifically agreed upon was that thousands of year ago, the most ancient form of human kind believes on Supreme Being and spirits that taking control of the cosmos, and even their personal life. Can we also conclude that the culture of animism as our ancestor had here in Indonesia was another local concept to define 'God'?

Whatever it was, people from ages to ages keep believing that something great and omnipotent is exist. Our existence flung from His will. Hence, everyone should obey His rules, respect Him, and sacrifice what do they get to Him.

This image of God were struggling together with the up and down of world history. People kills and loves in the name of God (or Gods), kingdoms raises and falls for the sake of God (or Gods), people invents or destroys stuff by the will of God (or Gods), and politically and traditionally One God replaces by Gods, or the vice versa.

The problem is, if from the beginning humankind had assured themselves about the power of God, why He let those tiny creatures to abstractly and wildly interpretated His will for their own interest? Doesn't it seem like He is so active while creating the whole world but passively doing something to straighten up people's interpretation of His image?
This late years, we witnesses how the people begin to forget God (or Gods) and searching for something else. Atheism, Anthropomorphism, Dystheism, Nontheism, and others.

These centuries were crowded.
God, do you think human has gone too far?

As a Muslim, I believe in One God. But if you ask me; "Do you understand about your own God?", I won't answer it with a "Yes". I can't tell that I have understood Him perfectly well, as it mentioned by my religious teachings. If I understand Him 100%, He is not my God, but rather the image of Him that I made and live inside my head.

Macrh 8th, 2010
10:13 AM

Saturday, March 6, 2010


Toki my little rabbit,

Ani O'hev O'Tach

You jump into my backyard
Bruchim Habaim!
You’ve cheered and braced up my day
and also adorned my night
Don’t run too far from the cage that I made
I shall catch you before you’re gone

Come here Toki,

Ani O’hev O’tach

Look at you, sitting on the grass
Chewing your carrot, pretend that you’re unaware of me
While I can see those candy-eyes of you are staring at me
I love those big teeth, reddish fur and thy giant ears

Come here Toki, don’t jump too far!

Ani O’hev O’ Tach

You want to play hide and seek?
You hide, and I seek?
Or you want me simply just to be found by you?

Toki, you’ve reminded me of Bambi!
On my backyard that afternoon
Acharei Hatzohorayim
I still keep the memory of you and Bambi were chasing each other

The old Bambi had passed away

But I have you here, Toki
Don’t play too far, my dearest

Then you shall not disappear from my sight

Ani O’hev O’Tach

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Establishing the Role of Woman in Society

God create human based on two kind; male and female. Some believe that male was created first, and the female one was cold-drawn from his ribs. Others believe, base on the biological evidence of daily life, the creation of female come earlier before the birth of the male. Therefore, the role of women is higher compare to the male; she is the cause of human kind existence. She also takes care of them, compassionately.

It’s been a long controversy regarding the role of woman in society throughout the history of human. Woman treated unfair by some religion’s doctrines, but in another hand they were praised because of their beauty, love, and affection. As a mother to a grumpy and spoiled 11 years old boy, she always get scold if doing inadvertent mistakes. But she rarely receive a big hug or sincere smile for her forbearance and endless love, which that spoiled kid gets every day in his life. That description illustrates how people (read: male) are sometime unfairly upstaging woman, regardless their effort and help on building the civilization.

Because of their weakness, people treat woman as the second class of human being. Woman does not have the ability to think like common man does, woman does not have rights to vote, and woman is too feeble for battle-field. They should stay at home, deliver the babies, raise children up, and cook for their husband. For thousands of years, this mainstream idea had blinded woman from their own chance under the shadow of obedience.

Take a flash look at the picture of Srikandi on my t-shirt. In Indonesian culture, she’s a heroine figure. She has a big ambition, undefeatable power, and firmness character. Although she’s only a mythical personage, she has planted a seed of freedom inside female’s audiences, which make them dare to dream. Just like their counterpart, woman also gets the same chance to keep move forward and protect their own rights. It is agreeable that woman and man both are different. Indeed, no satisfying reason could explain that they are just the same. Woman and man are born to be different, but they are all equal. Differences between male and female doesn’t make one side superior toward the other. Legend told us how Arjuna always stays on Srikandi’s side during Bharatayudha. Both of them are covering each other, fulfilling each other necessity, and completing their couple deficiency.

How beautiful is life between man and woman on that myth, living in harmony side by side. But it seems like in the reality, man is getting a lot more privileges than woman. On some cases, it is also understandable that woman can not insist to take man’s position. Again, they are different although they are equal. The diversity among them is making woman can’t be able to obtain certain position or stuff that is particular for man, and also man can’t be able to do stuff that required woman presence only.

Lastly, what was the background issue of me to write a note about woman? Considering the globalization and rapid changing in our daily life, the issue of gender and sexism will increase due to the distribution of function and opportunity. If we can’t perform the good faith and honest act as we should have been (in connection with gender) these whole years, then we shall do it in the future to build a better understanding. Don’t treat your spouse badly, dude. You want to live with her/him, not as a rival :)

Wednesday 8:08 pm