My presentation about Indonesia at Mr. Dearing class (psychology)
For a couple days, I lived with my Local Coordinator, DM (just call him like that, because u will not like him very much if u were being me). He doesnt have a house. He lives on apartement on West Union Street, pretty far from OU, Athens Public Library, Walmart, or even my school.
He had a roommate from Iraq (this man is too perfectionist. he speak loud of tune,mention to me about his kitchen's spot and bla-bla-bla. the only cool thing of him is, he has an arabian shisha/hookah pipe), and for me it was really awful. All of dirty stuff by this guys mixed wherever i could walk in this apartement.
The apartement wasnt really big, for surely. It has two bedrooms, one kitchen, one bathroom, and a living room. There's a tv on the living room but without cable connection. Dirty clothes, dirty plates, dirty sink, dirty shoes, and others 'incredible' thingy that you could find on this room. Nasty!
The bathroom is not too far from the 'Nasty' word. Gosh, i found a lot of wet towels hanging around. I also discovered wet 'hairs' on the bath-tub! Yikes!!! That make me never want to take a bath there (except for shower).
because there's no room anymore on his apartement, my coordinator decide to give me his room. he slept in front of the tv at living room. I appreciated his kindness, but sleeping in his bedroom is equal to sleeping in a graveyard. That room is so messy. Broken DVD player, magazines, boxes, clothes (again), and some others stuff that i couldnt be able to mention it as 'what'. Only thick matress provide for me there. And dont forget the floor that makes me itchy everytime i steped on it (and also when you sleep on it, positively).
I wonder if he keep zombie at this apartement too, because i smell something stink from one of the boxes (beside this apartement somehow is really smell funny). This place is a graveyard for me (and i just ate chicken nugget with egg plus the Iraqi's bread all the time). Owhhh, snap. RIP.
About the picture, i was doing my presentation when Mr. Dearing took the picture. He's really funny and easygoin', everyone like him (he is my favorite after Ms. Santoni and Ms. Kemmerle). I like this class very much and all of the people (Robin is so sweet, DaBresha so kind, Felisha so silly, Taylor so cozy, Devon so crazy, and the other kids of course amazing too). We share everything in this class; about Mr. Dearing's grandpa, Robin's boyfriend that now fought in Iraq (she told me the story with watery eyes..), DaBresha's family, stupid arguments by Sarah, or even AJ's dorky attitude and Annie's snore. This week my group (together with Taylor and Ani) will do some presentation about Bodily Kinesthetic and we already create funny dance and silly tap.
Well, at least i hope i will find a new family... It's so sad when Ms. Santoni said she feel so sorry because there's a women that want to rent her room at her house, downstairs. That's mean there's no room for me again, in otherwords, she couldnt be able to host me... She's so dissapointed of herself, she said she will help me find a new family (she put my name at Catholic Church board).
Gosh... I wish before this Christmas i'll get a family!!!
Very frustating, but i pray for the best and absolutely be a professional at school and around people (Yeah! Viva AFS!)
Snow is coming and there's no school (calamity day) because of the density. i need to sleep.. but for Godsake please, not on this graveyard.
oh man...
i feel bad for you.
i hope your dreams really do come true soon lul..
kan sesama ank ohio slg mendoakan, he :) :)
eniwei, lo christmas mo ksini lg?
ahh! pdhl gue pgn bgt ngobrol2 lg sama lo tapi gue natalan kluar kota :( :(
buka blog gue juga ya ! ;D
Assalamu 'Alaikum, my BIG friend...
No Comment about your writing coZ I'm still believe that YOU will be a great writer,,,
i didn't know you moved family..!
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