With Angie Kilbane (Cleveland, OH); Now she is teaching English in Malang
Christmas With The Gaglianos; Tatcher eta chocolate!!! :)
Jan 14, 2008
Yeah!!! Happy New Year!!!
Finally, we just steped out from 'Old Life' to the New Year which is full of glory of hope and resolution...
I hope everything gonna be better than last year!
Ok, lemme tell you what was happened after my last post.
So, after have some complicated problem with my coordinator and his place, he decide to ask some people around who had oportunity to be my temporary hostfamily. The only reason why he did it because he want to spend his Winter Break down there at his hometown, Georgia (beside he told me that he got some financial problem).
Then, i tell him to contact Anthony, Kak Mila, and Kak Nelly, because i remember that a long time ago Anthony said that he wanted to help me to find a family. And then i called them, tell what happened. After a little discussion, Kak Mila, Anthony, and Mas Chozin (with permission by Kak Nelly who on that time was enjoying winter break in Netherlands) i moved to River Park apartement.
That was nice though, live with Indonesian people. Because i could eat Indonesian food (hmmm... apparently not real Indonesian food, yeah.. sort of! :P) and enjoyed my free time. There's a three calamity days because of snow, and when come back to school i must figure out about what school bus i supposed to catch around River Park.
Anthony went to California one day after i 'settled'. So, there's just me, Kak Mila, and Mas Chozin. We killed the time by watching movie a lot and went to Alden. When Kak Mila gone to Kentucky for visited her friend, Mas Chozin teach me many thing and 'make me under pressured' to train myself for cooking. Hahaha... it was my very first experiment to mix anything with seafood. But when it was already served, Mas Chozin, Mas Irfan (Indonesian new comer) , and Elijah said it pretty good. :)
I celebrated Christmas (Dec. 22) with Ms. Gaglianos big family. I really2 had fun there. They were so nice and could spoke Indonesia-Malay!!! Ms. Gagliano dad was lived in Kuala Lumpur for a couple year, and some of Ms. Gaglianos brothers could speak Bahasa Indonesia. Beside that, they also gave me X-Mas present!!! And i spend my time playing with Alex, Trina, Nick, Gaby, Luca, Chloe, Isabella, and Tatcher. Ah... I love them!
Right on Dec.25, i went to Cleveland with Pak Yojo, Mas Chozin and Kak Arin. At night before, i went to Colombus airport with Pak Yojo, Mas Farid, and Febry for pick Mbak Ira from Boston. We went to Cleveland for met wit Angie Kilbane, Mas Chozin's friend. They're family is so cozy and informal. Just wonderful. We talk a lot and eat a lot. Unfortunatelly on that time my teeth is broken. :(
Okay, i think that's all for this time, i'll tell you guys later about trip to Parkersburg, my new year, move to new family, christmas gifts, Krazy Karaoke at Madie's house, and THE WAY I COULD GET MY PERMANENT FAMILY!!! :)